Part 1
1 What made you happy when you were little?
When I was a kid, lots of simple little things made me happy. Playing outside in the summer with my friends, drawing, having a laugh with my father playing imaginary games. All sorts of things like this were sources of great happiness for me.
2 Is there anything that has made you feel happy lately?
Recently, I"ve been feeling a bit down and stressed to be honest. Not much has made me feel particularly happy. I suppose I feel happy to be healthy, to feel I have a good supportive family and friends. General appreciation about life. But I haven"t had any specific moments that made me feel elated, no!
3 What do you think will make you feel happy in the future?
The one thing that will make me happy is if I can get a good enough score in my IELTS tests, and if I pass the interview and get a place in the university of my choice for next September. That will make me really happy!
4 Do you think happiness is important?
Of course, happiness is important, because if you are happy you are motivated, and if you are motivated you achieve things, and you become a positive person who spreads positivity to other people around you. Positive, happy people are great to be around and make us feel life is really worth living, even in hard times.
5 Are you happy when you buy new things?
Not especially. Well... maybe momentarily. I think buying things does make people happy for a short time, but isn"t a huge source of happiness for me. I get more joy from human communication and fun with family and friends.
6 When do you feel happy at work?
I feel happy when a project is coming to an end and I see that it"s really rather good and has the potential of being successful, and my colleagues and managers sharing this same feeling.